
A shft into a more open future

::About me.

My name is Iván Villagrasa and this is my personal home page. My interests are programming, music, electronics, engineering, design and photography.


'(Lisp, the language of the '(past future))

Lisp is a programming language that originated in the 60s, being one of the first high-level languages still in use, following Fortran. The defining feature of this language is its syntax filled with parentheses, stemming from its origins as a calculus language implementing the ideas of Alonzo Church's lambda calculus. Lisp also pioneered several areas of computer science, such as tree-based data structures, garbage collection, dynamic types, conditionals, higher-order functions, recursion, self-hosting compilers, and the REPL.

Lisp is extensively used in Emacs, my preferred text editor. The use of Lisp in Emacs makes it extensively extensible.


NixOS is an innovative Linux distribution that sets itself apart through its unique approach to package management and system configuration. Built upon the Nix package manager, NixOS embraces a declarative configuration model, providing users with a powerful and reproducible system setup.

Key Features:

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