
A shft into a more open future

::About me.

Some info about me:

My name is Iván Villagrasa and this is my personal home page. My interests are programming, music, electronics, engineering, design and photography.

I'm a 19 year old from Spain who's studying web design.


Recently i've started various projects around Minecraft with a friend from my class: MineManage and a hardcore spigot plugin. MineManage is a CLI tool to run and manage Minecraft servers written in rust. Right now it's not functional yet, but it will be release ready soon.

We've also been working in a private hardcore plugin written in Kotlin, witch will also release soon.


My most listened genres are Alt rock, electronic music, lo-fi indie and shoegaze. I really enjoy listening and discovering new music.


Recently I got a film camera to try getting more into photography, nothing fancy, just a Canon EOS 300. It's fully automatic and can be used as a point and shoot or as a manual camera.
The only problem I've had with it is scanning the developed negatives, I haven't really found a cheap way to get my photos in digital form without spending money pointlessly in a shitty starter scanner, so I might just get a lightbox and scan them with my phone.

The film I normally use is Kodak gold 200. While it is somewhat easy to find and cheap, the colors it gives are phenomenal. Most of the times I'll push it up to two stops.

Design and this web:

This web was created as my final project for this quarter. It heavily takes inspiration in Y2K web design, with my own spin. One of the webs that isnpired me the most is Identikal Foundry, from which I took the layout and color scheme.

This web is proudly open source: source
Tell me what you think: form

Current projects: